
Factory tour


Experience the unique factory atmosphere and see how our knives are created


On the tour, you’ll have the chance to see the entire factory, including how materials arrive and the various stages of knife making. The details of the tour can be tailored to the interests of the group.


There is plenty to see, since we manufacture all parts of the knives and their sheaths ourselves and don’t just assemble them from pre-made components. During the tour, we also share the history of Iisakki Järvenpää, our factory, and the general craft of knife making. The old machines we use in production, which are worth seeing in themselves, play a significant role.


Factory tours are held during the Puukkofestivaali event (Knife Festival) as well as our factory's general opening hours, providing a practical look at the knife-making process and our artisans at work.


Learn About Knife Making on Our Factory Tours


-Each tour accommodates a maximum of 20 people. We limit the number of participants per tour to ensure that everyone can hear and see the presentation clearly.


-The tour lasts approximately 1.5 hours.


-In terms of accessibility, the factory is a bit challenging to navigate, with three floors and many stairs.

-Factory tours may involve noise and dust, and since it's a working factory, dirt is also possible. Please be cautious and avoid leaning on equipment.


-Adjacent to the factory store is a small museum section where you can learn about our history. Through a windowed wall, you can also view the production area. The museum section is free to visit during store hours.


The store is accessible, and there is a customer restroom available.

Registration and Pricing


Tours must be arranged in advance. The cost for a tour during factory opening hours is €100, and outside of these hours, it is €200.


For registrations and inquiries, please contact us by phone at +358 6 4340 135 or by email at


Note: We offer free tours during events. Tours fill up quickly, so we recommend advance registration! Tours are available at least during the Puukkofestivaali (Knife Festival), which is held during Kauhava's Kädentaitoviikko (Craftsmanship Week) in the week leading up to Midsummer. You can join the tours individually or as a group.

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